- adaptation of retina
- адаптация сетчатки
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Adaptation (Auge) — Adaptation eines menschlichen Auges Unter Adaptation des Auges (aptare, lat.: „anpassen“) versteht man die Anpassungsvorgänge an die vorwiegenden Leuchtdichten im Gesichtsfeld. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Pupillenlichtreflex … Deutsch Wikipedia
Retina — For the Retina display in the iPhone 4, see iPhone 4#Display. Retina Right human eye cross sectional view. Courtesy NIH National Eye Institute. Many animals hav … Wikipedia
Adaptation (eye) — In ocular physiology, adaptation is the ability of the eye to adjust to various levels of darkness and light. Contents 1 Efficacy 2 Mechanisms 3 Insufficiency 4 See also … Wikipedia
adaptation — 1. Preferential survival of members of a species because of a phenotype that gives them an enhanced capacity to withstand the environment including the ecology. 2. An advantageous change in function or constitution of an organ or tissu … Medical dictionary
dark adaptation — därk n the phenomena including dilation of the pupil, increase in retinal sensitivity, shift of the region of maximum luminosity toward the blue, and regeneration of rhodopsin by which the eye adapts to conditions of reduced illumination compare … Medical dictionary
dark adaptation — the changes that take place in the retina and pupil of the eye enabling vision in very dim light. Dark adaptation involves activation of the rods – the cells of the retina that function best in dim light – and the reflex enlargement of the pupil… … The new mediacal dictionary
light adaptation — noun the process of adjusting the eyes to relatively high levels of illumination; the pupil constricts and the cones system is operative • Hypernyms: ↑adaptation * * * noun : the adjustments including narrowing of the pupillary opening, decrease… … Useful english dictionary
light adaptation — n the adjustments including narrowing of the pupillary opening and decrease in rhodopsin by which the retina of the eye is made efficient as a visual receptor under conditions of strong illumination compare DARK ADAPTATION light adapt·ed līt ə… … Medical dictionary
dark adaptation — The process by which the iris and the retina of the eye adjust to allow maximum vision in dim illumination following exposure of the eye to a relatively brighter illumination. In darkness, vision becomes more sensitive to light, provided a person … Aviation dictionary
dark adaptation — n. the adaptation of the eye to vision in the dark by dilation of the pupil, increased sensitivity of the retina, etc. dark adapted adj … English World dictionary
Dark adaptation threshold — (DAT) is a vision test that measures the adjustment of the eye occurring under low levels of illumination. When light enters the eye, it ultimately reaches the rods and cones, which are two types of cells in the retina. Rods handle vision in low… … Wikipedia